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The dank in dank meme is an ironic use of the slang term dank. More meanings for dankie.

What Does The Word Danke Mean Quora

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What does danke mean. The word Danke is used as an informal way of saying thank you in German. Ima and Imam mean Emma dakkngaggngaggn again means danke and betti still continues to signify bitte In place of danke are heard dang-gee and dank-kee. The former favorite dakkn is almost never heard.

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According to lexicographer Jonathon Green black campus and drug slang began repurposing dankwhich originally meant unpleasantly moist or humidas excellent or first-rate especially with reference to high-quality marijuana in the 1980s. Just as the word danke is informal its informal reply is bitte which means youre welcome. Danke means thanks or thank you and schoen is a sort of catch-all that means positive things like nice beautiful good etc.

Cloth coverings wrapped around something as a wound or a baby. 1 Where is the word danke used. Better now than later please acknowledge that the German word Danke pronounced as dahn keh will mean thank you in English and it is an informal way to address to someone.

Use danke in any situation to thank someone for something. Travel south america travel. Thank you very much.

Danke means Thank you in swedish. It is very important to show someone your gratitude. Thank you very much Masha danki.

The informal reply youre welcome is bitte. In this effect however it basically means great so youre basically saying great thanks or the more correct English translation. 17 Votes Thank you Danki.

The word danke DAHNK-uh is the standard way to say thank you in German. The word holds respect depending of the relationship you have towards the person you are addressing to. It was originally a common word to describe disgusting basements and caves ect.

455 94 Views. The formal version of danke is Dankeschon or Danke sehr which means thank you. Not to be confused with Dank which has a meaning of high quality.

Danke Schoen Definition of Danke Schoen by Merriam-Webster. It is a German word and it is an informal way of saying thank you there. Xanet Matylewsk Last Updated.

Dank maintained its meaning well into the rise of underground cannabis culture when the term dank. German culture is very polite and formal. Remember to say danke any time anyone does.

As per the Oxford Dictionary the definition of dank is unpleasantly moist It was first used in Middle English and is thought to be of Scandinavian origin. Even though its not very formal you can still use it when talking to anyone in any context and it will be considered appropriate. Dank is an adjective which is over-used by people in general and mostly by people trying to appear cool to their stoner friends.

Ich danke said the latter and softly with a rustle of silk she sank into the chair. The most common formal ways of saying thank you are Dankeschön or Danke sehr but these can also mean thanks a lot or thank you very much. Interjection Thank you very much.

Youre welcome Di nada. Dank means dark sticky gooey and potent. You can tell this if the person is a friend or family.

What does dankie mean in Afrikaans.