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Hg is the symbol for the element mercury on the periodic table. This collection of mercury facts includes atomic data the electron configuration chemical and physical properties and history of the element.

Mercury Hg Chemical Element Mercury Sign With Atomic Number Chemical 80 Element Of Periodic Table Periodic Table Of The Stock Illustration Illustration Of Experiment Formula 160969874

It is a transition metal with atomic number 80 on the periodic table and an atomic weight of 20059 and its element symbol is Hg The symbol Hg that mercury is known by comes from its Greek name hydrargyrum which means liquid silver to reflect its shiny surface.

Hg symbol periodic table. Interactive periodic table with up-to-date element property data collected from authoritative sources. This dense metal is atomic number 80 with element symbol Hg. Mercury is the only metallic element that is a liquid at room temperature.

Mercury atomic number 80 symbol Hg is a chemical element known as hydrargyrum and quicksilver. 41 rows Mercury Element 80 of Periodic table is Mercury with atomic number 80. Because most of the name of elements of periodic table is taken either from the English or Latin languageSo as the symbol of Mercury is Hg in the periodic table therefore it has been arrived from the Latin word named Hydrargyrumliquid silver.

Some of the names also led to other words that are common in the English language. It is aneurotoxinthat accumulates in soft tissues and bone. This element is the only metal in a liquid state at standard conditions.

Look up chemical element names symbols atomic masses and other properties visualize trends or even test your elements knowledge by playing a periodic table game. Relative atomic mass A r. Its symbol Hg stands for water combined with silver since it is liquid like water but has a silvery sheen.

And the most bold letters in this word is H and G so it has been symbolised with Hg. Mercury is a shiny silvery liquid metal sometimes called quicksilver. It is found in fish and shellfish because of their natural tendency to accumulate it in their bodies.

Liquid at 298 K the heaviest known elemental liquid. Mercury Hg also called quicksilver chemical element liquid metal of Group 12 IIb or zinc group of the periodic table. 200592 3 Standard state.

It is a transition metal with atomic number 80 on the periodic table and an atomic weight of 20059 and its element symbol is Hg. While its an extremely rare element theres a world of interesting information about mercury. Mercury is a shiny silvery liquid metal sometimes called quicksilver.

Antimony Sb Stibium Tungsten W Wolfram Gold Au Aurum Mercury Hg Hydrargyrum Lead Pb Plumbum Nearly all of these elements were known in ancient times and therefore carry over their Latin names. 7 rows Helium is a chemical element with atomic number 2 which means there are 2 protons and 2 electrons in. It is a silvery heavy d-block element with a boiling point of 35673 C and a freezing point of -3883 C.

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