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Es bilden sich mittelozeanische Rücken. Seafloor spreading definition a process in which new ocean floor is created as molten material from the earths mantle rises in margins between plates or ridges and spreads out.

Seafloor Spreading Hypothesis Read Earth Science Ck 12 Foundation

Aufsteigendes Magma aus der Lithosphäre drückt die tektonische Platten der Erdkruste langsam auseinander.

Sea floor spreading definition. An diesen Zonen steigt Magma aus dem Meeresboden auf. Am Mittelozeanischen Rücken steigt basaltische Lava aus dem Erdinneren auf und bildet neue ozeanische Kruste. Sea floor spreading noun a geological process affecting mid ocean ridges by which molten lava is extruded and spreads to both sides of the ridge as it solidifies.

As the continents move apart whole new oceans. Mantle convection is the slow churn ing motion of Earths mantle. Seafloor spreading happens at the bottom of an ocean as tectonic plates move apart.

Wherever the sea floor is spreading the edges move apart while the magma in the middle hardens. Its discovery provided a mechanism for continental drift that Alfred Wegener could not explain. Seafloor spreading is a part of plate tectonics.

Durch Sea Floor Spreading bilden sich Mittelozeanische Rücken MOR. Definition of seafloor spreading. Sea floor spreading - Lexikon der Physi.

In this lesson you will learn about. Sea floor spreading ocean floor spreading Meeresbodenausweitung Meeresbodenspreizung Ausdehnung des Meeresbodens infolge divergierender auseinander driftender ozeanischer Platten Plattentektonik. That means the rock in the center is the youngest.

Sea-Floor-Spreading Meeresbodenspreizung In den Jahren nach 1960 wurde ein erster messbarer Beweis der Theorie der Plattentektonik entdeckt - Der Meeresboden um den mittelozeanischen Rücken spreizt sich mehrere Zentimeter im Jahr. In the theory of plate tectonics the process by which new oceanic crust is formed by the convective upwelling of magma at mid-ocean ridges resulting in the continuous lateral displacement of existing oceanic crust. Sea floor spreading der Vorgang des Auseinanderweichens von ozeanischen Platten Krustensegmente an mittelozeanischen Rücken.

After much thought he proposed in 1960 that the movement of the continents was a result of sea-floor spreading. Sea Floor Spreading - ein geologisch-tektonischer Prozess aufsteigendes Magma aus der Asthenosphäre zwischen den Platten neue Erdkruste hervor. The seafloor moves and carries continents with it.

Geological Science a series of processes in which new oceanic lithosphere is created at oceanic ridges spreads away from the ridges and returns to the earths interior along subduction zones. Seafloor spreading and other tectonic activity processes are the result of mantle convection. Dieser Prozess wird Sea-Floor-Spreading genannt.

Sea floor spreading der Vorgang des Auseinanderweichens von ozeanischen Platten Krustensegmente an mittelozeanischen Rücken. Dieser Prozess wird Sea-Floor-Spreading genannt. Seafloor spreading is a geologic process in which tectonic plate slarge slabs of Earths lithosphere split apart from each other.

The formation of fresh areas of oceanic crust which occurs through the upwelling of magma at mid-ocean ridges and its subsequent outward movement on either side. The divergence at mid-ocean ridges of the tectonic plates underlying the oceans that is due to upwelling from the earths interior of magma which solidifies and adds to the spreading plates Examples of seafloor spreading in a Sentence. Sea-floor spreading the widening of an ocean basin by the creation of new crust at a divergent margin.